
Showing posts from May, 2021

Assignment Ten - Wild Card

 A World of Influencers Each morning I wake up and hop on all of my social media platforms to catch what I might have missed the night before. Although it is a terrible habit your society has grown hungry for a consistent flow of information and social media is how we get it. When social media first blew up and became truly popular it was meant for communication and entertainment purposed. You could tweet, post, like and share other friends content that they personally posted about their lives. As times are changing, social media is used for anything and everything. Politicians are using social media as a campaign platform, small business use social media as a retail site, celebrities use social media as a way to connect with fan, and the list goes on. One truly remarkable social media user that has changed the face of these platforms are influencers. It still baffles me that people can make money right from their phones, and anyone can do it.  A Social Media Influencer is a u...

Assignment Nine - Classmate Blog Critique

 Star Student As each year passes I am left in awe at the abilities of my classmates. I want to begin this assignment for applauding everyone on finishing strong during a year that seemed impossible to finish once we started. Many of us lost jobs, family members, fell short on our goals, and overcame the impossible during this pandemic. Classes went online and we became out of touch with our peers and professors, but you all did an amazing job through it all. Throughout this class we are able to work along side our peers, drawing ideas from their prompts and improving our own writing styles through theirs. Although this was a very hard decision, as I have watched everyones writing styles improve over the last semester, I must brag about Abby Johnson.  Abby has a clean and informational writing style. As clicking through my classmates blogs, her layout initially caught my eye. The layout of her blog is easily maneuverable along with intriguing to the eye. Once you click on her ...